While we were on the road, we’d seek out quiet times and cheap internet places.  This was our chance to share our observations and thoughts with a list of friends and family.  In all, we sent 11 of these travelogues (2 from Cuba; 2 from Portugal; 5 from Spain; 2 from France/Germany; 1 from back in Canada).  Below are excerpts from some of them, with the addition of photos we took en route but edited into the text afterward. Clicking on the photos will sometimes get you enlargements of them.


Travelogue #3 - Purim in Belmonte

Travelogue #4 - Portugal

Travelogue #5 - Time Travel

Travelogue #7 - Culture

Travelogue #8 - Avi Watching Velasques Watching Velasquez Watching Avi

Travelogue #10 - Basquing in the Son



The following travelogues have no accompanying photos.


Travelogue #1 - Cuba si, Mirabelle no!

Travelogue #2 - Sand and snow

Travelogue #6 - Maimonides and Flaky Matza

Travelogue #9 - Deutsch and Asparagus

Travelogue #11 - Coming Home